
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dream Big

Today over at the Joy Clair blog we are having a special post in honor of Mardi Gras. Below is the photo inspiration we used to make our projects.

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For my card I used an older set from Joy Clair called Dream Big and I was inspired by the colors. I also thought the beads and feathers were a nice fit for the theme. 

I stamped the dream catcher, feather and some beads with black ink. I then drew on the strings with a pen before adding the other beads using distress inks. I added some Wink of Stella to the feathers and the dream catcher. 

To finish the card I added some stripped washi to the side of the cardbase and stamped my sentiment. Then adhered the panel to the cardbase.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

MFT- Black Hybrid ink
distress oxide- Twisted Citron, Fossilized Amber and Wilted Violet

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