
Thursday, February 1, 2018

You & Me w/ Joy Clair

I'm here with my second post of the day to share my card for the Feb challenge over at Joy Clair blog.  We are drawing our inspiration for the picture below for the month of love, or as always with a Joy Clair challenge you may chose to do Anything Goes.
(If you are here to see the post for Counterfeit Kit click here.)

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I was inspired by the heart cut out of the wood and the love banner. So I started with running some kraft cardstock through my Big Kick with a wood grain back ground die first, then ran it through a second time with a heart die for my cut out. I used one of the strips from Valentine Background builder for a sentiment on the wood grain panel by heat embossing it.

I used some scrap paper from another project for the background of my heart and stamped part of another strip from the same background stamp to peek through the die cut. I glued the scrap piece to the cardbase and used foam adhesive to adhere the woodgrain panel to the card.

Join us this month for the challenge and to continue seeing inspiration with the newest release! 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Link up- Die Cut Diva's (Love is in the Air)

Supplies: (Joy Clair links are affiliate links)
Lawn Fawn- Stitched woodgrain back drop
Kraft cardstock
Embossing powder


  1. Monica, What a beauty. So glad you joined us at Die Cut Divas.

  2. Love that heart peeking out of the woodgrain-awesome! Thanks for joining us at Die Cut Diva's!

  3. What a wonderful design. Love how that little aperture is so tiny - but it works!
